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How Do I Know When Icloud Upload Is Complete

iCloud is one of those features in macOS which works nearly all the time for the great majority of users, but is vulnerable to problems when Apple tree makes changes to it, typically in a major new version of macOS. Simply a few years ago, changes which had already been announced had to be cancelled early in beta-testing because of the destruction they caused to existing iCloud accounts. Thankfully the changes to iCloud in Monterey are relatively minor, but accept nevertheless caused plenty of users to mutter of syncs that seem never to finish, and other issues. This article aims to provide a little agreement, and possibly fifty-fifty assist you to a solution.

How iCloud works

iCloud is a vast distributed database, in which each user's data and files are just a few of its contents. And so when you put a file into iCloud Bulldoze, what your Mac does is negotiate that with the database server, which then stores the file equally a tape containing its data and metadata.

On your Mac, files in iCloud Drive exist in one of two states: a local and complete copy, which is kept in sync with that held in iCloud, or a stub file which relies entirely on downloading the file contents from iCloud when yous want to access information technology. The first of those has been downloaded, and the second has been evicted from local storage. Those can be told autonomously in the Finder and elsewhere using standard icons: that showing a deject with a downward arrow means that item has been evicted, and the file shown in the Finder is but a stub.

Unremarkably, unless you enable Optimise Mac Storage in the iCloud department of the Apple ID pane, the contents of your iCloud Bulldoze are kept in a downloaded country, ensuring that you can use them immediately. Enabling optimisation lets macOS manage whether each item is downloaded or evicted. In theory, provided there'southward sufficient local gratuitous deejay space, all recently active items should be kept downloaded. When pressure on free space grows, macOS will progressively evict your files until there are only folders full of stubs.

In practice, this distinction isn't ever as clear. Some items even so seem to become evicted fifty-fifty when optimisation isn't turned on, and with it enabled and ample local costless storage, less used files however go evicted. I have two apps, Cirrus and Bailiff, which give yous amend control over this. If you're going somewhere with poor Internet, for instance, you can use them to download all the files you need before you go. They don't, though, guarantee that at the terminal minute macOS won't determine otherwise.

Desktop & Documents

There'south 1 major conclusion you make about how iCloud Drive works on your Mac, and that's whether to put your Desktop & Documents Folders in iCloud, controlled in the Options for iCloud Bulldoze in the Apple ID pane again.

When Apple outset released that, I nearly lost my entire Documents binder when it was sucked upwards into the cloud. As a result of the experiences of many users at that fourth dimension, I recommended that no one should fifty-fifty consider using it until it became more reliable, and potentially less destructive. It has since matured, but tin still give rise to serious problems.

The worst come when you have ample iCloud storage and relatively piffling in your Data volume. It's then like shooting fish in a barrel to stop up with more files in iCloud than your Data volume could ever shop. That poses a problem, equally y'all can only continue with many or most of those files evicted, and are unable to download them all. You are and so a prisoner of iCloud, with documents that you can't store locally. For this and other reasons, I even so urge users not to enable Desktop & Documents unless their Documents binder is going to remain small, perhaps by adding a local folder to their Home folder for locally stored documents only, which defeats the purpose.

It's also the case that those Macs with Desktop & Documents enabled are most likely to come across problems when iCloud changes, for example with a new version of macOS. And considering they're more than dependent on iCloud, the impact of those problems is greater besides.


About other items listed in the iCloud section of Apple tree ID, from Contacts to Stocks, don't store their data in uncomplicated files, just in databases. When your local apps sync with iCloud, database records are exchanged. You accept essentially no command over those, other than whether to enable the service or non. Tracking file syncing with iCloud is circuitous enough using the log; you don't stand a chance of doing that with databases.

Check your Internet connection

This has improved greatly in Monterey, with the addition of a new command tool which is simple to use and highly informative: networkQuality. To use this, open Terminal, and blazon
After a pause for thought, you lot should see something like
==== SUMMARY ====
Upload capacity: 554.709 Kbps
Download capacity: 3.424 Mbps
Upload flows: xx
Download flows: 20
Responsiveness: Low (44 RPM)

This is explained in fuller detail past Dan Petrov, and is far more useful than just for the investigation of iCloud bug. And don't worry, I'm waiting for a major upgrade to my Net connection.

Check the service

iCloud, like Apple tree's other services, doesn't work perfectly all the time. Before going whatsoever further, open up Apple's service status folio hither and check whether it might have a known problem.

Run a Cirrus sync test

Cirrus offers a standard test based not on a database sync but on transferring one one MB file to iCloud Drive. Sometimes merely running this test tin can testify sufficient to kickstart iCloud syncing, simply its main purpose is to verify that iCloud sync is working. If you fancy going deeper, you lot tin also use it to review what happens in the log during that process.

The first fourth dimension that you try this, you'll observe it best performed when everything else on your Mac is quiet, possibly starting time matter in the morning time before yous've started whatever apps, and certainly before opening apps which use iCloud. Running the test is elementary: every bit your arrangement clock reaches 00 seconds, press Command-ane in Cirrus, or release the Examination Upload control in the Window menu. Scout what happens with the iCloud sync circle in a Finder window, and notation the number of seconds when that icon fills and is removed.

If you lot want to examine that in the log, use the Open up Log Window command in the Window menu, set up the Start time to only earlier yous initiated the test upload, and the End time to at to the lowest degree the fourth dimension that iCloud sync completed, and no less than ten seconds after (in High Sierra and earlier, xx seconds). Finally click on the Get log button, and you're ready to study what happened. To make clean up the exam files, use the Clean Up Test command in the Window bill of fare.

Cirrus performs the test equally follows:

  1. Information technology first writes a 1 MB file containing 0x88 bytes equally data to ~/Library/Preferences/
  2. It then creates a URL to a new file co.eclecticlight.Cirrus.information in your iCloud Drive, at the path ~/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple~CloudDocs/
  3. If that succeeds, it removes that new file and copies the 1 MB file from ~/Library/Preferences/co.eclecticlight.Cirrus.information into your iCloud Drive at ~/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple tree~CloudDocs/
  4. If any step in that fails, Cirrus reports that it was unable to transfer the test file in an alert.

The Clean Up Test command but deletes the two files ~/Library/Preferences/ and ~/Library/Mobile Documents/com~apple tree~CloudDocs/

Even without going near the log, this is nonetheless useful as a test of basic iCloud Drive function. Yous'll observe a detailed account of the log extracts in this article.


Cirrus' Assistance book contains more than information about how to use Cirrus, and iCloud Drive more generally.

Plow it off and dorsum on

Having got this far, you're no doubt waiting for the secret technique which will fix any remaining bug. I'one thousand lamentable to disappoint, merely, apart from downloading or evicting items, the only control you have as a user is the on-off switch: with individual iCloud services in the iCloud department of Apple ID, and signing out and back in using the Overview department.

Before you employ whatsoever of those, ensure that you've downloaded all important documents, something Cirrus and Bailiff tin help with, and where necessary made local copies of those outside your iCloud Drive folder.

Each person who is reduced to trying this arrives at what they consider is the most effective solution. It might even exist a matter of putting your Mac to one side and letting it go on with information technology for a 24-hour interval or ii, or signing out, shutting that Mac downwardly overnight, then signing in once more. All I can do is wish you every success. And if all else fails, then sometimes Apple Support tin assist.


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