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Art of Manliness Corned Beef Hash

in: Food & Drink, Living

• Concluding updated: June 4, 2021

Got St. Patrick'south Day Leftovers? Lucky You lot! How to Make a Corned Beef Hash

Beef hash with fried egg in cast iron skillet.

I've always proudly been a big breakfast kind of guy. Why stick with a little poly peptide bar or basin of cereal when you tin can have steaming, delicious meats, eggs, and veggies?

For me, there'southward probably no better breakfast than a properly prepared corned beefiness hash. I have a feeling I'one thousand not solitary in my thinking, as this lovingly simple dish has its enthusiasts effectually the world.

As a dish that comes in many varieties, the problem most often encountered when making or ordering information technology is non its aptitude for transformation, only rather its correct training. Trust me, goose egg is worse than a mushy version of this classic that's been made with subpar ingredients. With today being St. Patrick'due south Twenty-four hour period, I thought it prudent to not merely teach proper technique for this dish, but as well requite you a solid recipe to enjoy tomorrow morning with the leftovers of your corned beef and cabbage supper.


Where's the beef?

Smoked meat corned beef slab.

Though it's also late to cure your ain corned beefiness at home (roughly a x-day process), you lot can still pick up a store-bought corned beef brisket and achieve fantastic results. (Unless you are on the forepart lines of battle or stuck in a tempest shelter, never use/eat/eat corned beef that yous can find in a tin.) I like to slow braise my corned beef for several hours during the morning time, allowing it to absurd completely in its cooking liquid. When it comes time for supper, I slice the cooled beef (it slices amend cold), re-heat the liquid to cook potatoes, carrots, and cabbage, and warm the sliced beef dorsum in the liquid just prior to serving. Y'all could also exercise this the day before. Trust me, allowing the beef to cool and marinate in its own liquid adds a ton of flavor, and information technology's worth the extra step if you want a swell corned beef supper.

Remember, your meal will but be every bit skilful every bit your ingredients — which means using slap-up corned beefiness (or other quality protein) is the first step towards making a nifty hash.

Across only St. Patrick's Solar day, the protein part of a hash can take many forms. Seasoned footing turkey (made famous past the now closed Charlie's Sandwich Shoppe in Boston), or even pulled pork every bit nosotros do downwardly here in the Southward brand for an first-class dish. Prior to writing this commodity, I had just been visiting 1 of my favorite cities in the earth, Montreal, Quebec, which is known for their smoked meat brisket — yet another fine meat that has served as a delicious base of operations for my morning hash.

Hot Potato

Though some versions of this dish serve the tater component individually, I'm a potent believer that potatoes are function of the binding element of this dish. For that reason, I comprise potatoes as part of the entire portion, rather than serving on the side.

The traditional boiled potato poses its problems to one of the more crucial elements of a bang-up hash, which is having perfectly crispy, crusty potatoes.

Boiled potatoes tend to incorporate quite a bit more residuum water, which means your hash ends up steaming rather than crisping. Though information technology's possible to add together in more oil or butter to create such a crust, that same addition of actress fats tin can make the hash overly greasy and mushy. Not good.

Though it's an extra stride (hey, we're talking ultimate hash making hither!), I always like using broiled (and cooled) potatoes in my hash. Not only is their residual water content lower (making for a great crispy crunch), only they likewise concord their shape much better than the boiled variety. Russet potatoes are my become-to variety.

Add together-Ins

Almost common additions to hash include onion, garlic, and bell peppers. This is where you lot can get creative and resourceful — chunking in whatsoever other root vegetables or herbs you have lying around adds a unique component to your hash. Yous'll encounter I've kept my recipe fairly traditional, but never be afraid to step out of the box.


It's breakfast, and so I add eggs, preferably fried or poached to medium to allow the velvety yolk to sink in and do information technology'southward magic. Other folks abhor such an addition; relax, its your hash, so make information technology like you want it, eggs or no eggs.

Okay, allow's put it all together.

Corned Beef Hash Recipe

Hash egg fork.
(prep xv mins, cook 25 mins, serves 4)


  • 3 Tbsp. unsalted butter, divided
  • 1 medium onion, finely diced
  • 1 cup finely diced red bell pepper
  • two cloves garlic, minced
  • ½ Tbsp. kosher salt
  • one tsp. fresh cracked pepper
  • 1 tsp. smoked paprika
  • 2 cups chopped leftover corned beef (can substitute preferred protein)
  • 2 big baked russet potatoes, cooled and diced every ½ inch
  • iv eggs
  • ane tsp. vegetable oil
  • chopped parsley, as garnish
  • hot sauce, to serve
  • toast, to serve


  1. Preheat a 12-inch cast iron skillet over medium heat; add together 2 Tbsp. butter. Sauté onions, pepper, and garlic along with the salt, pepper, and paprika, until onions are just slightly browned and tender, virtually 10 minutes.
  2. Next, add corned beef and sauté until just slightly browned, about v minutes. Add remaining butter, followed by the potatoes; mix about to ensure potatoes are coated in butter and amongst the seasonings. Use a spatula to press down on the tater mixture, creating a pancake of sorts.
  3. Allow the "pancake" to cook undisturbed for ten minutes over medium heat to create a crispy crust. Put on two oven mitts, place a large plate over the unabridged surface of the skillet, and turn the hash onto the plate (carefully). Place the skillet dorsum on the stove, and slide the uncooked side of the hash back into the skillet to well-baked through, viii-10 minutes. *Notation: You can forgo the plate technique, and just use a spatula to flip the hash by section.
  4. In a dissever non-stick skillet over medium-high oestrus, add vegetable oil. Crack eggs into skillet and fry until they reach a medium consistency, about 3 minutes.
  5. Serve a large portion of hash on a plate, topped with egg. Garnish with parsley. Serve with toast and hot sauce, if desired, on the side.

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