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Ground Beef Rice With Egg Dish From Guam

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loco moco with egg on top of beef, gravy and rice
Loco Moco – Hawaiian Comfort Nutrient
loco moco with egg on top of beef, gravy and rice

Concluding Updated May 12, 2022

From the islands to your dinner tabular array, Loco Moco is Hawaiian comfort food made with rice and a burger smothered with rich gravy and a runny yolk.

Disclosure: Certified Angus Beef® brand sponsored this post. Opinions are my own.

I live in Las Vegas, which is often called the 9th Island because and then many people have moved here from Hawaii, including my married man's family.

But the other twenty-four hours, they were talking most how they miss Loco Moco and how they were looking for an original version that didn't sway besides far from the comfort food they remembered from back home.

With all the glitz and glamour in Vegas, chefs can brand things a picayune likewise fancy here sometimes.

loco moco with egg on top of beef, gravy and rice with hula girl in front of plate

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History of Loco Moco

Just Loco Moco is meant to be elementary food with simple ingredients. It starts with a bed of sticky white rice and is topped with a hamburger patty, brownish gravy and a sunny-side-up egg.

Loco Moco was created in the 1940s, when some boys dining at the Lincoln Grill in Hilo, Hawaii, asked the waitress to serve them a dish they could afford. They threw out the idea of rice, beef and gravy, and the remainder is history.

4 beef patties seasoned

My version starts with Certified Angus Beef® brand ground beef patties. Go with the fourscore/xx meat-to-fatty ratio. You'll need that fat to make the gravy.

And because you need the fatty, the patties should be cooked in a skillet, non on the grill. This manner you can preserve the drippings.

4 raw beef patties in cast iron skillet

For each pound of beef you use, dissever the meat into iv and shape each quarter into a patty. You can make them every bit thick or thin as you similar.

Season them with common salt and pepper on both sides. Let those spices residuum on the meat while you oestrus a large cast iron skillet over medium-heat. You tin practice this on a grill or stovetop.

Cook the patties for about 4 minutes. Then, flip and cook for iv more than minutes.

Yous desire to develop a gorgeous crust on them.

4 beef patties searing in cast iron skillet

Just wait at that char. That correct there is flavour.

Since the pan is hot and the burgers are juicy, the grease volition splatter. To avoid this, place a piece of foil loosely over the pan while the patties cook.

I find this works better than a hat, because it allows the air to escape. A chapeau would trap the steam, and you definitely don't want steamed burgers.

Once you remove the burgers from the pan, you're left with liquid gold – beef pan juices.

Let's make the gravy.

There are 3 like shooting fish in a barrel ways to avoid lumpy gravy

For this loco moco recipe, I use the roux method. Add flour to the pan drippings and allow information technology to cook for 30-sixty seconds. Then, incorporate well-nigh a half cup of the beef goop. Once that is well composite, add the remaining broth. It's finished with butter for a polish consistency.

Some other method would be to create a slurry. To do this, blend the flour with about a half cup of beefiness broth. Stir the two together until combined. Heat the remaining broth with the drippings, and add the slurry to thicken.

The final method is a beurre manie. This is a French technique that involves rolling flour and butter together into a ball. Deglaze the pan with all of the beef goop. After a few minutes of reducing, add the butter ball to the pan. It will gradually thicken the gravy.

4 eggs frying in a skillet

The Show Stopper – Loco Moco Topper

Although the egg wasn't included in the original version of the Loco Moco, information technology's definitely a staple to the Hawaiian dish now.

Exist sure to cook information technology sunny-side up. The bright gilded yolk is like a morning wake-up call, particularly when information technology oozes into the gravy.

When cooking an egg sunny-side upward, look for the whites to cook while making certain the yolks stay runny.

If you're having trouble getting the whites to cook through, you can add together a lid for a few seconds. The steam volition warm them upwards. Just don't leave the hat on for too long, or the yolks will cook, too.

What rice to use for Loco Moco

Rice varieties are almost as diverse as wine. There's white rice, brownish rice, wild rice, jasmine rice, etc. Amid those types there is also long-grain, medium-grain and short-grain rice.

For this Hawaiian dish, I recommend either using short-grain sushi rice or medium-grain calrose rice. Both accept a higher starch content, which allows the rice to stick together.

To cook the rice, start past rinsing information technology a few times. While this footstep isn't' required, information technology's just what Lola taught us to do.

I almost always cook my rice in a rice cooker, but you can also cook it in a pot on the stove with a lid. Using one cup of water for every cup of rice is a pretty tried and true method, or you can follow the method my family uses.

index finger in rice cooker with water up to first line on finger

Identify your rinsed rice in a rice cooker and add enough water to cover the rice. Stick your index into the pot, so information technology touches the top of the rice. Continue calculation h2o until information technology reaches the first line where your finger bends.

I don't know how this method works when we all take unlike size fingers. It only does. The rice will exist perfectly tender every time.

loco moco with egg on top of beef, gravy and rice

Plate your Hawaiian repast

Now that all of your ingredients are cooked and set up, it's time to plate your loco moco.

You tin either serve this every bit a single patty portion or go all out and serve it upwardly with two patties and two eggs.

Commencement by placing the rice on the bottom. You can use a circle cookie cutter to shape it all pretty, if y'all'd like, or just spoon it on the plate. Then, add a cooked patty on tiptop and smother with gravy.

Finish with that beautiful sunny-side upwards egg and garnish with some sliced green onions.

loco moco with egg on top of beef, gravy and rice with hula girl in front of plate

Loco Moco - Hawaiian Comfort Nutrient

From the islands to your dinner tabular array, Loco Moco is Hawaiian comfort nutrient made with rice and a burger smothered with rich gravy and a runny yolk.


  • 2 cups white rice uncooked
  • ii cups h2o
  • 1 lb Certified Angus Beef® brand footing beef
  • 2 tsp kosher common salt
  • two tsp black pepper
  • ane tbsp olive oil
  • ane tbsp flour
  • 1 1/2 cup beef broth
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce
  • i tbsp butter
  • 2 tsp olive oil
  • 4 eggs
  • two green onions sliced


  • Rinse the rice under cool h2o. Place the rinsed rice and 2 cups water in a rice cooker and cook.
  • Shape the ground beef into iv patties. Flavor both sides with salt and pepper.
  • Estrus olive oil in a cast fe skillet over medium-high heat. Add together the patties. Sear for iv minutes. Flip. Cook for 4 more minutes. Remove the patties and set bated.
  • Reduce heat to medium-low. Add the flour to the skillet. Cook for one-2 minutes, stirring continuously.
  • Add 1/2 cup beef goop to the skillet, and stir to combine.
  • Add the remaining beef broth and soy sauce. Cook until thickened, well-nigh 5 minutes. Whisk in butter. Flavor with salt and pepper to gustatory modality.
  • In another skillet, heat 2 teaspoons olive oil over medium-high high. Crevice the eggs into the pan and fry for 3-4 minutes, until the whites are cooked through. The yolks should remain loose.
  • Place a large circumvolve cookie cutter on a plate. Fill up with a spoonful of rice. Remove the cookie cutter.
  • Place a cooked patty on elevation of the rice. Spoon on a ladle of gravy. Summit with a cooked egg, and garnish with dark-green onions.



Calories: 738 kcal Carbohydrates: 77 g Protein: 35 g Fat: 30 one thousand Saturated Fatty: 11 thousand Polyunsaturated Fat: 2 m Monounsaturated Fat: 14 one thousand Trans Fat: i g Cholesterol: 248 mg Sodium: 1923 mg Potassium: 593 mg Fiber: 2 g Sugar: ane m Vitamin A: 390 IU Vitamin C: 1 mg Calcium: 88 mg Atomic number 26: 4 mg
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  1. Steve July 14, 2019 at half dozen:37 am - Reply

    Outstanding! All my favorite things. Fabricated with ground brisket. I should have doubled the corporeality of gravy.

  2. Chris July 17, 2019 at ane:31 pm - Respond

    Tin we become a Mac salad recipe to go with this?

    • Anonymous December 23, 2019 at 11:45 am - Reply

      Secret to a good hawaiian mac salad, some grated onion and grated carrot.

  3. Anonymous October 7, 2019 at 9:13 pm - Answer

    Question about the recipe, for the beef stock, is 1 one/2 cup or 1/2 cup? I'm afraid I'm reading incorrectly and having to add together ingredients to make it piece of work.

    • one and a half cups. Showtime past adding a half a cup. Then blend in the remaining one loving cup.

  4. Anonymous October 10, 2019 at 10:36 pm - Reply

    Thank you for responding!
    I dearest this recipe and introduced it to my 11 yr one-time daughter, now she asks for this at to the lowest degree once per week!

  5. AL BRUNDAGE November ix, 2019 at viii:36 pm - Reply

    i Cant Practice THE SONNY SIDE UP EGG BREAK THE YOKE AND Turn Information technology OVER Honey IT WITH THIS SMALL CHANGE

    • Anonymous November 16, 2021 at 12:25 pm - Reply
  6. Anonymous March 29, 2020 at 1:07 pm - Reply

    Excellent recipe. This recipe provides a very satisfying meal for a family of 4.

  7. Desi May xix, 2020 at 7:47 pm - Answer

    This was and then yummy and total of delicious flavors! My hubby won't eat loco moco since a lot of recipes nosotros've seen have mushrooms. Perfect thing to make while in quarantine. Thanks!

  8. Shannon March 1, 2021 at 10:xxx am - Answer

    I like making this. Easy and filling.

    What are some side dish suggestions others are using?

  9. Julie K March 19, 2021 at 4:57 pm - Reply

    Tin you lot use corn starch in place of flour to make the dish gluten free?

    • Anonymous August 22, 2021 at 10:fifty am - Reply

      Yeah, you tin can use cornstarch instead of flour to make gravy. I take a small jar I utilize to shake cornstarch and water vigorously then add to my recipe (better than stirring). Cornstarch doesn't go lumpy similar flour does.

  10. Lyle April ii, 2021 at 9:18 am - Answer

    hey – since you live in Vegas – you can go a expert Loco Moco (with some twists besides – like Korean meat instead of the burger) – at Cinnamon'due south. It is a Hawaiian diner that has a location in Vegas! I never miss a visit there when I am in town!

    • Sounds fun. I'll accept to cheque it out.

    • Angela May 4, 2021 at ten:58 pm - Reply

      Lyle – I just checked for Cinnamon's online and they appear that they closed the Las Vegas location.

  11. Holli April 21, 2021 at 7:07 pm - Reply

    Succulent recipe. My family of iv loved information technology. Tasted similar the Loco Moco nosotros loved in Hawaii. Thanks for sharing!

    • Awe thanks! So happy to hear that.

  12. Angela May five, 2021 at 8:07 pm - Answer

    Made this with ground turkey in lieu of beefiness and chicken stock instead of beef stock. I got rave reviews! Simple and delicious, thanks for the recipe!

  13. Laurie Rasor July 15, 2021 at 3:49 pm - Reply
  14. Denuvia August 15, 2021 at 4:12 pm - Reply

    The best way to melt rice is two cups of h2o to every loving cup of rice, comes out perfect every time. The recipe is great!

  15. Lulalouisa September 16, 2021 at 5:56 am - Reply

    Nice and simple recipe! I mix flour and mushroom flour to brand the gravy. And a dash of chilli flakes for a kick. Tasted so good! I also put boiled corn and simple salad on the side. Thank y'all for sharing the recipe!

  16. I also live in Vegas! Weirdly enough, a dish that is supposed to exist affordable has become $13-$16 a plate! Thank you for this recipe, can't wait to have breakfast for dinner!

  17. Claudia Flint January eleven, 2022 at 8:42 am - Reply

    I made your wonderful recipe as is for the third time last night. Was looking at the ingredients and realized that you lot don't include eggs every bit an ingredient. I just know in that location plain are eggs in information technology and you lot talk about cooking them merely information technology is not in your ingredient list. Only thought I'd mention it!

    • Oh wow. yous're right. Thanks for letting me know.

  18. Carly Feb xiv, 2022 at six:25 pm - Reply

    Question on rice – you say to use a sticky rice, preferably what you lot'd go with sushi just you only cook the rice in a rice cooker, where does the pasty office come in, how do you make the rice sticky? Thanks :) Def. want to try this, I'd add sauteed mushrooms to it too, yum :)

    • brusk-grain rice has plenty gluten in it that information technology sticks together afterwards information technology cooks. If you use longer grain rice, it will be fluffy and won't stick together.

    • Pat February 18, 2022 at 11:34 am - Reply

      Sushi rice is sticky when you melt information technology But buy the right kind of rice.

  19. Kristine March 27, 2022 at v:37 pm - Reply

    Cooked this recipe for the gravy! Yum!!!

  20. Melissa May 7, 2022 at i:twoscore pm - Answer

    Nosotros love this recipe and it'south what we had on our wedding ceremony card. Everyone ordered it even tho steak and roasted pork chip was on the menu likewise. I first saw this on @NCIS:LosAngeles and idea this would exist something different and it was. More than than 250 guests ordered it. Not one person (even kids) didn't similar it. Information technology was a big hit. Nosotros have it at present at least once a week for either breakfast or dinner.

    • Wow! That's the best compliment I've ever received. Congrats on your wedding.

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